For customers who request
a quote on a Pre-Ignition
Catalytic Converter (expect 100+ MPG)
we have a special offer
on the Hydro Assist Fuel Cell
(50% guaranteed mileage increase).
Ready to order your HAFC? Click here to order now!
(Orders are processed through
You must have a free quote request for a PICC on file before you may purchase a HAFC. Click here to request your free quote.
Have specific questions not answered here? Check out our frequently asked questions page.
When you request a quote for a Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter (PICC) for your gasoline or diesel powered vehicle(s), you are added to a list for a custom PICC for your particular vehicle(s). By requesting a no obligation quote for the PICC, you enable us to determine which makes and models of autos we should manufacture first, and as a result you become our preferred customer. The final price for the PICC has not yet been set so it may be a while until you receive an official quote for the full PICC kit.
Special Offer: Take Heart!! While you are waiting for your Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter we can offer you the ability to get significantly increased gas mileage so you can begin saving money on your fuel expenses NOW! Being a preferred customer opens the door for you to purchase the first stage of our fuel saving technologies called the Hydro Assist Fuel Cell System (HAFC) that is ready RIGHT NOW!
The Hydro Assist Fuel Cell (HAFC) is actually the first half of the complete Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter package. Recent research has determined that even greater fuel economy will be achieved by pre-conditioning the fuel through the HAFC system prior to being introduced into the reaction chamber of the Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter.

With the purchase of a Hydro Assist Fuel Cell(HAFC) you will experience significantly increased fuel economy now. Later, when you decide to purchase a Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter (PICC) package, simply add the PICC to your existing HAFC system. You will receive a full credit for the original purchase price for the HAFC towards your Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter package. The original shipping you paid will not be credited. There is absolutely no reason not to start saving money and energy now while we are developing the Pre Ignition Catalytic Converter for your make and model of vehicle! Remember, the savings will be fantastic!
The Hydro Assist Fuel Cell Kit combines
a number of known fuel saving technologies
in addition to our exclusive computerized
emission system optimizer.
What is the Hydro Assist Fuel Cell Kit?
The Hydro Assist Fuel Cell Kit is a combination of several known fuel saving technologies in conjunction with our very own computerized emission system optimizer. One of these technologies is a fuel cell that extracts a Hydrogen-Oxygen (hydrogen generator, aka brown's gas) mixture from distilled water (water in a caustic mixture). The HAFC fuel cell adds extra hydrogen to the gasoline mixture, which burns easily and powerfully, which in turn enriches your fuel mixture, giving you better gas mileage as well as increased performance. The added oxygen also increases the octane level of your fuel, producing a cleaner burn.
The brain of our Hydro Assist Fuel Cell technology is a computerized optimizer that actually teaches your onboard computer to accept the increases in your fuel economy. Emission systems are intentionally designed by the auto manufactures to make sure you get absolutely no better fuel economy than they programmed the system to accept. We have an abundance of evidence to back that statement up!
We also use six very powerful magnets that ionize the water in the reservoir and the gasoline in the gas tank to produce smaller molecules and separate their compounds into simple elements producing a cleaner, more efficient burn. And, a specially formulated conditioner helps "crack" and vaporize your fuel. It will also increase the life of your engine. A perfectly balanced mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, combined with fuel vaporization and ionization provide significantly increased mileage with whatever grade of gasoline you are currently using.
The end result is...
• Significantly Increased Fuel Economy
because you get an energy filled burner (hydrogen) and a higher octane fuel. You are guaranteed to receive at least a 50% increase and you could possibly double your fuel economy.
• A Cleaner Engine
because the hydrogen/oxygen water gas mixture does not create carbon when it burns so there's no carbon build-up. The mixture even helps to clean up existing deposits.
• More Horsepower and Better Performance
because gasoline in vapor form burns much more efficiently and the water gas being added has 5 times the energy potential of gasoline.
• A Cleaner Environment
because if you use less fuel to get the same mileage, you are decreasing the amount of pollution your vehicle creates. The oxygen-hydrogen mixture burns clean and does not produce toxic pollution.
• You will also be contributing to our independence from foreign sources of fuel.
The Hydro Assist Double Fuel Cell:
The fuel cell is now a double fuel cell (caustic container not pictured). We found that our customers with 6 cylinder engines or larger needed more output so now you receive twice the output at no additional cost. If you have a small 4 cylinder engine, you only connect one side of the fuel cell and receive half the output and need only 10 to 15 amps.
• Draws 20 - 30 Amps
• Produces 100 - 140 liters of hydrogen / oxygen mixture per hour
The caustic container is made out of automobile battery grade plastic.
Our exclusive Emission System Optimizer:
The key, or brains of our entire Hydro Assist Fuel Cell technology is our very own, patent pending, computerized emission control system optimizer. Our new 3rd Generation (X3) Optimizer (included in every HAFC Kit) is a sophisticated computer that works in conjunction with your vehicle's onboard factory computer to your advantage. Due to the un-uniform utilization of the emission sensors by auto manufactures it has become necessary to design a tuneable computer device to be compatible with all makes and models of gasoline powered vehicles on the road today.
The Hydro Assist Fuel Cell Vaporizer
The Hydro Assist Fuel Cell Vaporizer contains six powerful magnets to help vaporize and ionize the fuel and break it down into tiny sized molecules for easier consumption and a cleaner burn, resulting in increased fuel economy. The fuel vaporizer for our HAFC is installed on your coolant system's return hose - pre-heating your gas and thus further enhancing the process of vaporization.
What is the cost of the specially formulated conditioner?
The Hydro Assist Fuel Cell Kit come with a 16 ounce bottle of our specially formulated conditioner which requires no mixing. At the rate of 1/2 ounce per 10 gallons of fuel you are provided with enough HAFC Covalizer™ to treat 320 gallons of gasoline. Our specially formulated HAFC Covalizer™ is available from LTD at a cost of $19.95 per 16 ounces + shipping.
Will It Work In My Vehicle?
The Hydro Assist Fuel Cell System will work in any conventional gasoline powered internal combustion motorized vehicle. Diesel applications are currently in research and will be released in the next few months. If your car or truck has an internal combustion engine that burns gasoline, the HAFC System will work. It doesn’t matter what make or model, or even what year. The reason it will work in any vehicle with an internal combustion engine is because it channels the hydrogen fuel mix through the existing air intake system on the engine, via the standard air intake hose or air cleaner. So, there are no modifications required to the current engine. You just “plug” the fuel cell (oxygen-hydrogen producing system) into the existing air intake system. The fuel vaporizer connects to the existing fuel line to vaporize and ionize the fuel before mixing with oxygen and hydrogen inside the engine.
What Kind Of Savings Can I Expect to See?
Based on testing, we anticipate a gas mileage increase up to double your current mileage, if installed or tuned by a Certified Mechanic, and maintained properly. In recent tests we have succeeded in increasing a 2007 Honda Accord from 33-mpg factory to 99 (now averaging 75 mpg running the A/C) with our Hydro Assist Fuel Cell technology! You should also see increased performance via better horsepower and torque as the unit cleans accumulated carbon deposits from your engine. You will need to add our specially formulated fuel conditioner to your fuel tank every fill-up (3 ounces per 10 gallons). You will also need to keep water in the reservoir for the hydrogen fuel cell to keep working. If the caustic mixture does freeze in extremely cold temperatures it will not damage the fuel cell unit, normally installed in the engine compartment it will thaw out quickly and continue to function.
The following examples of increased fuel economy do not factor in the increased power and engine life, which you will experience. Please note that engine size does not determine your potential gas mileage increase. The determining factor is whether or not a company-trained mechanic has tuned your optimizer. The vast majority of installations by trained mechanics, either in our certified trainers program, or via local training schools now opening across North America, has resulted in double or better fuel economy. The following examples are based upon $3.00 a gallon price for your gasoline, 15,000 miles driven per year and a 50% gas mileage increase.
Once the Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter
is added to the system, a 100+ MPG is projected
even for today's heavy SUVs
If your current gas mileage is 10 mpg:
• With out a HAFC
15,000 (miles) / 10 (mpg) = 1,500 gallons of fuel X $3.00 = $4,500.00 yearly fuel expense
• With the HAFC
15,000 (miles) / 15 (mpg - 50% increase) = 1,000 gallons of fuel X $3.00 = $3,000.00 yearly fuel expense or $1,500.00 savings per year.
Double your current 10 mpg and you are at 20 mpg and saving $3,000 per year.
If your current gas mileage is 20 mpg:
• With out a HAFC
15,000 (miles) / 20 (mpg) = 750 gallons of fuel X $3.00 = $2,250.00 yearly fuel expense
• With the HAFC
15,000 (miles) / 30 (mpg - 50% increase) = 500 gallons of fuel X $3.00 = $1,500.00 yearly fuel expense or $750.00 savings per year.
Double your current 20 mpg and you are at 40 mpg and saving $1,500 per year.
If your current gas mileage is 30 mpg:
• With out a HAFC
15,000 (miles) / 30 (mpg) = 500 gallons of fuel X $3.00 = $1,500.00 yearly fuel expense
• With the HAFC
15,000 (miles) / 45 (mpg - 50% increase) = 333 gallons of fuel X $3.00 = $1,000.00 yearly fuel expense or $500.00 savings per year
Double your current 30 mpg and you are at 60 mpg and saving $1,000 per year.
So no matter what your current fuel economy is or what gas mileage increase you actually experience when you factor in the trade up credit for the Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter at 100% (once the PICC is available for your particular make & model) the payback time is absolutely zero!
For the latest information on our development of the Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter be sure to subscribe to our Tech Updates.
Can I Install It Myself?
Only if you are a qualified mechanic or have a working knowledge of automotive electrical systems! Your Hydro Assist Fuel Cell modification kit will come with full installation instructions including diagrams along with the URL and Email for our support web site with answers to all questions received to date. You will receive everything you need for installation, with no additional parts required.
The tricky part of the installation involves our computerized optimizer that will come pre-programmed for average conditions. These pre-determined settings should not be changed by anyone not trained by one of our Certified Trainers. Installing the Hydro Assist Fuel Cell System does not require any modifications to your engine.
Assurance of satisfaction (US and Canada sales ONLY) on your Hydro Assist Fuel Cell system:
If after having your HAFC installed by a licensed mechanic and optomized by a certified tuner, you are not satisfied with the increase in your mileage and performance you may return your Hydro Assist Fuel Cell Kit in resalable condition for a full refund less shipping ($1095.95) within 14 days of having the system tuned (Return Authorization Number Required). Manufacture warrants all parts to be free of defects for 90 days. There will be complete instructions on how to accurately test your mileage before & after installation. Your HAFC Kit will include complete instructions on exactly how to install the system. There will also be e-mail contact information for our support team along with the URL of our support web site.
You are also assured of the option to upgrade your Hydro Assist Fuel Cell Kit to the Pre Ignition Catalytic Converter once that technology is released for a full credit of the purchase price ($1095.95USD) toward the total cost of the complete PICC package.
The Hydro Assist Fuel Cell is now available:
The HAFC Kit is now available for ALL pre-1996 AND 1996 or newer utilizing O2 sensor emission systems with multi-port injection (approximately 85% of all cars and light duty trucks on the road today) you may order your Hydro Assist Fuel Kit today. If you drive a newer more sophisticated vehicle with an AFR (air to fuel ratio) sensor you will need the X4 optimizer. If your intended application is '96 or newer, there are two ways to determine if our current computerized optimizer will work for you. Inside the engine compartment there is an emissions sticker, if AFR, AFS or Air to Fuel is present anywhere your vehicle has AFR sensors. You may also contact your local auto dealer's parts department and ask specifically if your vehicle is equipped with O2 or AFR sensors.
Now seeking master mechanics to train installers in their local areas:
Dutchman Inc. began their training program to certify Master Mechanics to train installers in their local area on June 25th 2007. To achieve the best performance on the HAFC technology now and the ability to add the Pre Ignition Catalytic Converter to the system once released, proper training is required. If you are a top mechanic or know of such an individual in your area this is an incredible opportunity for both the potential certified trainer and whoever referred them. Follow the link for more information on our Certified Mechanic Training program.
Information for owners of vehicles under manufacture warranty:
The Magnuson Moss Warranty Act:
US Code - Title 15, Chapter 50, Sections 2301-2312
Legally, a vehicle manufacturer can not void the warranty on a vehicle due to an after market part unless they can prove that the after market part caused or contributed to the failure in the vehicle. If your vehicle manufacturer fails to honor emission/warranty claims, contact the EPA at (202) 260-2080 or If federal warranty protection is denied, contact the FTC at (202) 326-3128 or
As for vehicle emission system "Tampering Laws":
The installation of the Hydro Assist Fuel Cell Kit does NOT involve the disassembly, assembly or removal of any components of your emission control system for the purpose of repair or replacement. We do not disassemble those components; we leave them right in place to function as the auto manufacture designed them. The HAFC Kit does include our special computerized optimizer to enhance the process to the advantage of our customers.
Have specific questions not answered here? Check out our frequently asked questions page.

Hydro Assist Fuel Cell Kit
Be the first
in your neighborhood
to say adios
to the Gas Bandits!
Money Saving Technology
For more information contact Bob McLellan
Send an Email to Bob McLellan